Product benefits - Valves

Pressure reducing valves cover a wide range of valves that share a common function – reducing a high inlet pressure to a lower more desirable outlet pressure.


  • Limit supply pressures that are too high
  • Maintain a constant system pressure even when the inlet supply pressure fluctuates
  • Protect valves and appliances from damage caused by excessive pressure
  • Can reduce water use, as lower pressure entails less water usage
  • Minimise noisy pipe work


Balancing valves provide either hydraulic balance (in hydronic heating and cooling systems) or thermal balance (hot water systems) in residential or commercial buildings.
Hydraulic balancing benefits system efficiency by regulating supply of energy to individual circuits or heat exchangers, and reduces the pumping requirements by preventing short circuiting during peak demand.

Thermal balancing brings safer hot water by preventing conditions that encourage microbiological
activity. It optimizes the time required to provide hot water at desired temperature to the outlet
and minimizes wastage of water.

Isolating valves are designed to stop a fluid in a pipeline to allow maintenance or repair of a section of tube or piece equipment downstream of the valve.
A wide range of type, size and material mean isolating valves can provide solutions for most popular pipe connections.

Isolating valves are specified according to the benefits of the valve type:

  • Best flow characteristics (full bore gate)
  • Reduced water waste (reduced bore)
  • Lighter in weight (butterfly valves)
  • Quick action closure (quarter turn valves)

Backflow prevention devices ensure that contaminated fluid does not flow back into the water supply line. The choice of backflow prevention device is determined by the fluid risk category downstream of the device.
Backflow prevention in whatever form protects the water supply line from contamination.
The consequences of not providing any kind of backflow prevention can be severe and in
some cases fatal – hence the dedicated backflow prevention section in the Water Supply
(Water Fittings) Regulations 1999.